View my Resumé
Some of my recent accomplishments:
H1. is a platform that enables pharmaceutical companies quicker and cheaper access to key medical expert identification and analysis via 750K clinicians and physicians, 50M publications, and 250K clinical trials. Historically, this process has been slow, expensive, lacking information / quality, and nearly always results in data that is out of date as soon as it's delivered. H1. addresses these problems by providing information and analysis through a slick user interface at a fraction of the cost.
Scholarly Disambiguation
Scholarly Disambiguation enables the data backbone of medical expert profiles on H1. In order to create comprehensive expert profiles, we needed to know every individual's publications authored, clincial trials led, open payments received, etc. There are publicly available sources that help, but there is no single source of truth for all the information we were after. We built a supervised machine learning pipeline and achieved a remarkably high degree of accuracy.
Labspot is a learning management system designed specifically for the needs of Medical Schools' scholarly projects curricula. Historically, collaboration between students and their faculty mentors went untracked, assignments were submitted via email and subject to slow feedback times, and a student taking a leave of absense would create chaos as disconnected spreadsheets had to be painstakingly updated. Labspot aimed to streamline these workflows to allow administrators and students to be more informed, and more organized, with less headaches.